Everyone is in sales; every conversation is a sales conversation. If you are in business or in a relationship, or have friends or family, or you speak to people in general, you are in sales. Here are 4 reasons why the customer may not be buying from you. You’ve probably experienced the difficulty and stress that comes with the end game of selling. There are several reasons for why it is?
Four reasons customers resist buying are: Fear of Failure, making a poor decision, Fear of Criticism, Fear of Rejection, Inertia, the status quo is hard to break so unless they are feeling some pain with a current solution or product, they may resist trying something new and finally customers are simply busy. Once you crack the customer code, learn to speak their language, and understand the what’s in it for them, you will find even greater success in your business and in prospecting and sales.
First and foremost is the customers fear of failure they may have experienced in the past. Because of negative buying experiences in the past, over which you could have no control, prospects are conditioned to be suspicious, skeptical and wary of salespeople and sales approaches. While they need to and may want to buy, but they don’t like to be sold. They are afraid of making a mistake. They are afraid of paying too much and finding it cheaper somewhere else.
The good news is that everybody you meet has bought and will buy, new products and services from someone, at some time. If they didn’t buy from you, they will from someone else. You must find a way to overcome the natural physical and psychological obstacles to buying and then hone your skills so that you are capable of selling to any qualified prospect you speak to.
Here are two tips you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, recognize the normal fear of making a buying mistake experienced by the customer. Give him every reason you can think of to be confident in dealing with you.
Second, accept that everyone you talk to is busy and you are interrupting. Always ask if this is a good time for them to give you their undivided attention. If not, arrange to see or speak with them another time.