Are you stuck in BusyVille, so busy running around doing this and that like a chicken with your head cut off that you don’t have time to stop and smell the roses, enjoy the moment, enjoy life? It’s time to get out of BusyVille and start being productive. Just because you’re busy, doesn’t mean your productive. Our world is very noisy. Full of distractions and chasing the next shiny object. Our ability to focus and concentrate is key to being productive. Allotting a certain amount of time to each task and sticking to it will help you not waste time or get distracted. Distractions keep us busy but not productive.
Time blocking and creating a schedule you stick to will enable you to be more productive and focus on the immediate and important tasks at hand. Busy people work hard. Productive people work smart and delegate. Productive people are efficient and effective. Productive people focus on the big picture, busy people get caught up in the details. The key difference between busy and productive is that busy is easy to fall into and productivity is hard work. Productivity requires clarity, focus and strategic thinking. It is part of a larger plan. One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves is to be selfish and learn to say NO. Just because someone asks you do to something doesn’t mean you are obligated to do so. Tell them you will take some time to review your schedule and get back with them. Which eliminates the pressure of giving an answer right away? That way you can decide if you truly want to donate your time.