1. If you could do anything for a career, what would you do?
Your life dreams, your desires are guides that keep you moving forward. Even if a dream feels unattainable, it can be a compass to give you a direction. Dream big, set attainable goals.
2. Name three people who have careers that you admire and would like to emulate.
We are drawn to certain people for a reason—they represent something we want to awaken and pursue in our own life. Interview them and find out if they love what they are doing and if they are happy and fulfilled?
3. What saps your energy and what energizes you?
Why is this important? Our feelings are clues to our life purpose. When you do something and feel drained afterward, this is an indicator you are going in the wrong direction. When you do something and feel energized by it, you know you are going in the right direction. When you are engaged in an activity and you lose all sense of time, that is something you are passionate about.
4. If money weren’t the issue what would you do?
We often delay our dreams by saying we will get started once we have more money. We think of money as security. Instead, we are using money as an excuse not to live the life we love. If you had a Billion dollars and were debt free today what would you do? What would you pursue?
5. If you didn’t fear failure what would you do?
We often want guarantees from life that we won’t fail before we move forward. Staying stuck is a bigger risk than trying something and failing. Failures are actually stepping-stones to success.
6. What do those closest to you say your gifts or talents are?
What do they praise you for or tell you, you are good at?
Friends and family often spot patterns in our own lives that we can’t always see for ourselves. It’s valuable to get their feedback and find out if they have any ideas that surprise us.
7. What interests do you have and how can you turn them into money making ventures?
Who says you can’t make money doing what you love? Ask you self is this a hobby, or can I make money doing it? The owner of “Stampin Up” turned a hobby into a multi-million-dollar business.
8. What would be your ideal career or business, the perfect setting, salary, hours, and environment?
Describe in detail your perfect career or business. Visualize it and visualize the life you would be living if you pursued your dream business.
9. If you could design a perfect business based on what you like to do, what might that business be?
Don’t think about what you could do or what you should do or what has worked for you in the past, but rather what you would like in a career or business.
Brainstorm a list of ideal careers and elaborate how each would fulfill a need or want you have?
10. What legacy would you like to leave? How would you like to make your mark in the world?
This is a way of “working backward.” By thinking about how you would like your legacy to look, you can see what you need to do now to make sure that legacy comes true.
If you’re still feeling stuck, here are five ways to discover what you really want to do with your life.
Take time to work through the process and know that, no matter what, you’ll be getting closer to where you want to be.
Start with the Right Perspective
If you’re convinced that finding your passion is hard, or that it’s not going to happen for you, you’ll remain closed to possibilities. You’ll block the little nudges, intuition and signals that guide you.
How can you expect to find fulfilling work if you don’t believe it exists?
Adopt the perspective that you can do what you love with your life.
Use Your Sniffer
Once you’ve determined your passion is findable, it’s time to look for evidence of what you already love to do. If you look back on your life, you’ll remember certain experiences that stand out. It’s helpful to relive these moments and remember why they were so important, and the meaning behind them. Why they made you happy. Ask yourself, how you create a career from these?
Differentiate between a Hobby and a Profitable Passion
When you fall head over heels in love with an activity that engrosses you, you now have to ask yourself the next question: Who would benefit from (and pay for) this? If you want to contribute your passion to society and make an income from it, you need to get realistic about whether this could actually turn into a business. Ask yourself what you would need to do to make that happen. Reach out to individuals who might need your newly emerging passion, service or product. Have a conversation with them to help you find clarity on how, where, and when you can serve them. Ask what they would be willing to pay for the service or product based on the problem it solves or the perceived value it provides.
“Be Yourself, everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde
Are You Crazy?
“You are always crazy when you are doing something no one else is doing” Harsh Agrawal.
Fear may set in. We all have a huge number of fear around failure, success, visibility, and vulnerability. If you let these voices in your head win, your passion will remain out of your grasp. Instead, look beyond your fear and keep an image of what your success looks like ever present in your mind.
Get out of Your Comfort Zone
Expand your comfort zone. If you’re not uncomfortable you’re not taking risks. On my own journey, I noticed I couldn’t find the new until I’d said farewell to the old. With each step into the unknown—for example, quitting a lucrative full-time job to live on my savings and pursue my dream was my announcement to the Universe, I’m here, I’m taking the ultimate risk, I’m sending positive energy into the Universe and I’m serious about this.
The world needs your passion, so decide right now that it’s possible to find it and use the guide below to gain clarity. When you find your passion, be assured: It will always guide you right. These additional exercises may help you find your true passion in life.
1. Ask yourself these simple questions
2. Don’t presume your passion will be your job
There are a lot of things worth doing that will never bring you money. You don’t have to be great at something to be passionate about it. If you can’t imagine not doing something, it’s a passion. It doesn’t have to be a moneymaker, if you can’t make money doing something you’re passionate about like a hobby, then simply make your money in another way that will give you the time for what you really love to do.”
3. Stop waiting for an epiphany
Inspiration may strike in an instant. Suddenly, you know what you should be doing with your life. For others, it takes work, still others may have a turning point or life changing event – like I had with my near-death experience. I recommend spending 20 minutes each day visualizing and meditating about the things you enjoy that interest you. Your true passion won’t necessarily be found overnight. More likely it realized through the process of self-discovery and self-examination.
Start by asking close friends and family what they think you are good at, what your positive traits a, skills and attributes are. Ask yourself what did you enjoy doing as a child? What hobbies did you enjoy doing before life got in the way? Would you enjoy those activities now? Or take a different perspective: imagine you are old. What do you wish you had spent the last 30 years doing?
4. Create something new
One secret to finding your passion is to create something new. When you create something new, you’re inventing something to be passionate about.
5. Meditation and visualization
Imagine yourself getting up early, jumping out of bed, excited about going to work. You get dressed quickly, full of enthusiasm about your day. The sun is shining, and you take those first steps out of your bedroom. Now figure out where you’re going and what work inspires that level of anticipation.
Do You Have a Sense of Purpose?
If Not, Here Are Some Suggestions That May Help You Discover Your Purpose.
Goals in life that foster a sense of purpose can potentially change the lives of other people. Many believe that purpose arises from your special gifts; the ones that set you apart from other people—but that’s only part of the equation.
Purpose grows from our connection to others. In order to discover your purpose in life, here are some suggestions on methods to find your purpose.
Wayne Dyer said, “If you are not doing what you love and loving what you do, you have two options, change what are you doing, or change the way you feel about what you are doing.” You can’t create passion out of thin air. Either you have it or you don’t.
Observe and interview the people who are truly successful, and you will find that most, if not all of them, have this key ingredient, they love what they do. It does not matter if they are writers, business women, sports people, actors, singers, architects, engineers, etc. – passion leads to success.