If you truly want to be successful in life and business, turn off the TV and start reading. The average CEO reads 60 books a year. How many do you read? How much more could you accomplish if you turned off the TV. You can never get the time back that you spend watching TV. It takes self-discipline, self-mastery and self-motivation to think long term. Successful people are long term thinkers. They sacrifice the momentary pleasures for the end result, they push themselves further and harder, they continually set goals and challenge themselves. Success isn’t luck its hard work persistence and determination.
TV reduces the time you spend with your children, family and friends, the most important things in life.
Watching less TV helps you to get more exercise and eat a healthier diet. When you watch TV, you sit still for long periods of time. And all those television commercials for fatty, sugary, salty foods also encourage an unhealthy diet. One study found 8 commercials for unhealthy foods during every 10 minutes of TV time.
Did you know 98 percent of American households have several TV’s? By the age of 65 the average adult will have spent nine years watching TV. Children watch an average of 27 hours of TV a week. By age 18, the American child has spent more time watching TV than time in school.
I challenge you to turn off the TV and pick up a good book.